Wednesday 19 November 2014

Social Media Safety

 Recently we had a presentation at school about Internet Safety. The most interesting part of this presentation was learning about what people can do to your computer when your using it or not using. Entering websites that you have never seen before or even e-mails 
you don't know about could harm you and your personal life growing up. There are people online who steal your identity, making your life worse as it goes on. I've learned that I should never click anything that i have never seen before or open up attachments that i was never expecting. I have also learned that there is a lot of Cyber Bullying online over social media sites everyday. I also learned that anyone can make a difference in someones life. Protecting fellow students who seem to be having troubles at school or even in a different community with bullying  is something you can do to make a change. Stand up for the person, don't join in to hurt someones emotions and put them down for your own sick pleasure, or even someone else's. If YOU are a person that is having problems ask an adult for help. Teachers, Parents, Friends, Family, Councilor, or if its going to far it might be time to ask help from the police. Yes this presentation hosted by Darren Laur was very helpful for the near future. I've learned lots about what other people are capable of when you don't know whats going on. Be safe and be kind to one another! 

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