Tuesday 16 December 2014

Holiday Traditions

  Holiday Traditions are a big thing for most people or families in some cases they aren't to others. There are people who celebrate Holidays and some don't celebrate at all. There are even different kinds of ways people like to celebrate there Holidays. 

Ramadan: Is celebrated by the Muslim culture!
Saint Nicholas Day: Which is celebrated by the Christians!
Hanukkah: Is celebrated by the Jewish Culture!
Kwanzaa: Which is celebrated by the African American Culture!

All different races have all different kinds of ways to celebrate their own holidays in a unique way!
Some people even host big family dinners where you gather together for a nice meal. 
The Muslims, Jewish, African Americans do not celebrate Christmas because they have their own way of doing things. Most Christians don't celebrate most do. 

For Christmas people receive gifts on the 25th day of December, and maybe after have a meal. Now most religions don't celebrate in this type of way.

Ramadan: Muslims rise before sunrise to partake in a meal called suhoor, and at the end of the event, Ramadan is marked with joyous festival.

Hanukkah: According to Jewish law, Hanukkah is one of the less important Jewish holidays. However, Hanukkah has become much more popular in modern practice because of its proximity to Christmas.

The way I celebrate Christmas is we go out to get a tree and decorate is with all different kinds of ornaments and put stockings up along with hanging Christmas lights outside for everyone else to see! We buy each other gifts to give each other on the morning of December 25th, which is followed by a get together with my family to have a meal to end a happy day.

Now in some cases people don't celebrate this holiday at all so some kids don't get to experience the joy of opening presents that are underneath a tree, or don't even have a big meal involving their family. So remember to be thankful for which you get because there are others around the world who don't get to experience the things that we do!

                                                            Merry Christmas! 

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