Monday 5 January 2015

My digital Self

YouTube: Is my favorite site to go to when watching videos
Pizza: Is my favorite food to eat
Arizona Cardinals: My favorite football team
Hockey Player #71: Evgeni Malkin is my favorite player from Pittsburgh Penguins
Cartoon Girl: I like Anime
Maplestory: My favorite MMORPG
Background: Favorite NFL player "Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie"
Call of Duty: Favorite FPS game
Music: I like listening to music
Big Bang Theory: My favorite TV show

Artistic Composition


                            Composition In Digital Media

Artistic Composition: Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements 
                                      or ingredients in a work of art. This is Painting, Sculpture, and                                                       photography. In visual arts, composition is used with various terms
                                      like design and form.

The Term composition means putting together. This can go from Photo,music, or sculpture.

Rule of Thirds: The Rule of thirds is a powerful composition technique for making photos more interesting and dynamic.

Curved Lines: Curved lines are generally used to create a sense of flow within an image.

The Golden Ratio:  The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.

 Horizontal: Horizontal and Lines going across the horizon                                        Vertical: Lines going up and down                                                                            

oblique Lines: Lines that aren't  parallel or perpendicular 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Holiday Traditions

  Holiday Traditions are a big thing for most people or families in some cases they aren't to others. There are people who celebrate Holidays and some don't celebrate at all. There are even different kinds of ways people like to celebrate there Holidays. 

Ramadan: Is celebrated by the Muslim culture!
Saint Nicholas Day: Which is celebrated by the Christians!
Hanukkah: Is celebrated by the Jewish Culture!
Kwanzaa: Which is celebrated by the African American Culture!

All different races have all different kinds of ways to celebrate their own holidays in a unique way!
Some people even host big family dinners where you gather together for a nice meal. 
The Muslims, Jewish, African Americans do not celebrate Christmas because they have their own way of doing things. Most Christians don't celebrate most do. 

For Christmas people receive gifts on the 25th day of December, and maybe after have a meal. Now most religions don't celebrate in this type of way.

Ramadan: Muslims rise before sunrise to partake in a meal called suhoor, and at the end of the event, Ramadan is marked with joyous festival.

Hanukkah: According to Jewish law, Hanukkah is one of the less important Jewish holidays. However, Hanukkah has become much more popular in modern practice because of its proximity to Christmas.

The way I celebrate Christmas is we go out to get a tree and decorate is with all different kinds of ornaments and put stockings up along with hanging Christmas lights outside for everyone else to see! We buy each other gifts to give each other on the morning of December 25th, which is followed by a get together with my family to have a meal to end a happy day.

Now in some cases people don't celebrate this holiday at all so some kids don't get to experience the joy of opening presents that are underneath a tree, or don't even have a big meal involving their family. So remember to be thankful for which you get because there are others around the world who don't get to experience the things that we do!

                                                            Merry Christmas! 

Monday 24 November 2014

What is a Soundboard?

A storyboard is for a story or animation made up after script is written out. A storyboard is an animation going panel by panel just like they do in comic books. In each panel there should be a character saying something, the characters movement, and the angle of the picture. 

Storyboards are mainly made up from imagination or brainstorming and made by pencil or pen on a piece of paper. Pictures may be taken as well. You can take them from magazines or online using a computer. To make the story nice take your time making the storyboard. The drawings don't need to be perfect. In making storyboards they have something called storyboard languages. This is made up of different examples of what a storyboard can have.

Close up shot: A close range of distance between the camera and the subject.
Fade: A transition from a shot to black from where the image becomes darker is a fade.
Pan:  A steady, sweeping movement from one point in a scene to another.
High Camera Angle: A camera angle which looks down on its subject making it look small,     weak or unimportant.
Tilt: Using a camera on a tripod, the camera moves up or down to follow the action.

Point of View (POV) : A shot which is understood to be seen from the point of view of a character within the scene. 

Zoom: Use of the camera lens to move closely towards the subject.

Those are some examples of the storyboard language, but there is some more.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Social Media Safety

 Recently we had a presentation at school about Internet Safety. The most interesting part of this presentation was learning about what people can do to your computer when your using it or not using. Entering websites that you have never seen before or even e-mails 
you don't know about could harm you and your personal life growing up. There are people online who steal your identity, making your life worse as it goes on. I've learned that I should never click anything that i have never seen before or open up attachments that i was never expecting. I have also learned that there is a lot of Cyber Bullying online over social media sites everyday. I also learned that anyone can make a difference in someones life. Protecting fellow students who seem to be having troubles at school or even in a different community with bullying  is something you can do to make a change. Stand up for the person, don't join in to hurt someones emotions and put them down for your own sick pleasure, or even someone else's. If YOU are a person that is having problems ask an adult for help. Teachers, Parents, Friends, Family, Councilor, or if its going to far it might be time to ask help from the police. Yes this presentation hosted by Darren Laur was very helpful for the near future. I've learned lots about what other people are capable of when you don't know whats going on. Be safe and be kind to one another! 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Why We Remember

Remembrance Day is where we remember the ones who have passed away and the ones who still live to see another day. These brave men were the ones who fought for our country 
rights and our homeland. Students will pack up a gymnasium and parents will fill up a hall in
remembering their parents or grandparents who were in the fight for our country. Everyone
is to where a poppy over their heart to represent the event. All this happens on November 11, each and every year. There is suppose to be a one to two minutes of silence at the Eleventh hour of the Eleventh day of the Eleventh Month.

There were some Recent Fallen Canadian Soldiers who have past not to long ago. Some who
were just starting their life at a young age and some who were serving in the force for some time now. Corporal Nathan Cirillo, who was at the age of 24 was decease on October 22, 2014. Byron Greff, who was age 26 and was decease on October 29, 2014 he was killed be a
improvised explosive device. 

Friday 31 October 2014


Halloween is said to be from Celtic Christianity and Originated from Europe. A celebration in remembering the people who have past away. This event happened every year on October 31st.Today's Halloween customs are also thought to have been influenced by Christian dogma. Halloween back then was meant to remember the dead, but nowadays its kids and adults going out collecting candy from house to house dressed as a ghosts,witch,mummy, or even their favorite super hero from movies. The kids can collect candy from the doors they knock on. Sometimes fireworks are lit off or even pranks are made. They have haunted houses which you can walk through to give yourself a good scare.